Become a Patron

The Flint Symphonic Wind Ensemble relies on contributions made over and above our basic membership dues to continue offering quality concerts to the public. Becoming a patron of the FSWE ensures the continuation of our seasonal concerts. Costs include the purchase and rental of music, rental of rehearsal space and performance venue, concert publicity and mailings, program printing, recordings, licensing fees, and other expenses related to the band.

Patron levels are as follows:

  • Donor: $50+
  • Patron: $100+
  • Section Sponsor: $150+
  • Maestro: $250+
  • Conductor’s Circle: $500+
  • Concert Sponsorship: $1000+
    (includes sponsorship at Previous Concert Sponsorship level for all other concert programs for the season)

The Flint Symphonic Wind Ensemble is a 501(c)(3) organization. For any gift of $10 or greater, the donor receives a receipt for itemizing purposes on federal income taxes.

Donations can be mailed to:
P.O. Box 533
Flint, MI 48501-0533

The FSWE appreciates your assistance in purchasing music

We thank you for your support!